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Affordable Lasik Surgery in Pune
- 30 Min Procedure
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- Complete Insurance Support
- Minimal Pain

What is LASIK Surgery?
Reasons to Get LASIK Surgery

Understanding the Causes of Refractive Error
the various causes of refractive error.

Obesity and quick weight gain have been linked with increased chances of developing kidney stones

Diarrhoea, inflammatory bowel diseases can affect the absorption of regular amounts of calcium and water

Urinary tract infections and metabolic disorders increase the risk of kidney stone formation
These are the most common types of kidney stones.These develop when the urine has high levels of calcium, oxalate, or uric acid but low levels of citrate.Oxalates are a chemical that is present in both plants and animals naturally.Beets, black tea, chocolate, almonds, potatoes, and spinach are a few of the foods high in oxalates.
Kidney stones made of calcium phosphate are caused by malfunctions in the urinary system.This form of stone, which frequently develops along with calcium oxalate stones, may be caused by urinary or renal issues.To rule out these possibilities, your kidney stone doctor may prescribe a number of blood and urine tests.
Struvite stones develop as a result of some particular kinds of urinary tract infections, and they are more common in women.These stones frequently develop, grow large, and occasionally take up the entire kidney.They can result in recurrent, occasionally severe urinary tract infections as well as renal damage if left untreated.
Uric acid stones more frequently occur in men than in women who don ‘t drink enough water or who consume a lot of animal proteins.Additionally, they are more likely to develop in patients with gout, who have a family history of these kidney stones, or who have undergone chemotherapy.
Cystine stones are brought on by cystinuria, a genetic condition that runs in families and can result in an overabundance of the amino acid cystine accumulating in the urine.As a result, stones may develop in the ureters, the kidney or the bladder.

Our Experts Explain
Benefits of Laparo Treatment
PRK: The top layer (epithelium) is scraped away during PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy) rather than forming a flap.It takes three to four days for this corneal abrasion to heal, which causes moderate temporary pain and blurred vision.The theoretical benefit that PRK offered for individuals who are more likely to be struck in the eye was believed to outweigh these disadvantages.Additionally, LASIK surgery is a preferable choice over PRK for treating more severe nearsightedness(myopia).
Femto LASIK: Femto LASIK surgery, also known as “Femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis surgery, is a form of laser eye surgery.This technique is used to restructure the cornea of the eye in an effort to treat visual issues, along with other refractory operations.
Refractive eye surgery includes procedures like LASIK and PRK.Astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness are conditions that they cure.The cornea, the transparent outer layer of your eye that focuses light so you can see well, is reshaped with a laser in both LASIK and PRK.However, they go about it a little bit differently.LASIK surgery makes a little flap of tissue in the cornea.The cornea ‘s outer layer is removed during PRK, although it eventually regrows.Both methods have benefits and drawbacks.Find out from your eye specialist which procedure suits you best.
Ask your doctor if LASIK surgery is the appropriate procedure for you in case you have any of the following:
- You’ re less than or under 18 years old
- If you are pregnant
- You’ re taking specific drugs
- Your eyeglass prescription has undergone numerous alterations recently.
- You have irregular or thin corneas.
- You have severe eye problems such as glaucoma or very dry eyes.
- You have additional medical conditions, including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or diabetes.
- A thorough examination is performed by an eye specialist prior to LASIK surgery to ensure that the eyes are in good condition.
- There are additional examinations to gauge the cornea ‘s curvature, the size of the pupils in both light and darkness, the eyes ‘ refractive error, and the cornea’ s thickness.
- The patient is required to sign a consent form attesting that they are aware of the risks, advantages, and available alternatives associated with the LASIK surgery.
- Your ophthalmologist will numb your eyes with eye drops after you are lying flat.
- An eyelid holder and suction ring will be applied to your eye by your LASIK surgeon.Your eye will not move, and the holder will prevent you from blinking.Your vision may become blurry or entirely black at this point.
- Your LASIK surgeon will create a paper – thin flap in your cornea using a laser that has been programmed with the dimensions of your eyes.They ‘ll turn the page of a book by lifting and folding back that flap.
- The next step is to look into a light that is shining in your eye, as instructed by your LASIK surgeon.You fix your gaze on it and don ‘t budge. Once more, the cornea is altered using the laser in order to improve light refraction.A clicking or ticking sound could be produced by the laser.
- Your eye doctor will then fold the tissue flap back down.Within two to three minutes, the wound will start to heal swiftly.
- It ‘s normal if the LASIK surgery procedure unsettles you. Nobody relishes the thought of a laser entering their eye.But, LASIK has been shown to be a safe operation, with very few people experiencing any long – term negative effects.
Steps to Take Following the LASIK Surgery
- Burning, itching, or the sensation that something is in the eye are possible symptoms following LASIK surgery.Most of the time, this shouldn ‘t continue longer than six hours.
- The flap will be covered by an eye shield or patch which will be left on overnight to recover.
- After LASIK surgery it ‘s crucial to avoid rubbing the eye to prevent the flap from moving or dislodging.
- The LASIK doctor might advise sedatives and moderate painkillers.
- On the day of LASIK surgery, vision is typically cloudy or fuzzy, but it should clear up the next day.
- Swimming, hot tubs, whirlpools, contact sports, and the use of makeup should be avoided by the patient.
- Your LASIK doctor will provide detailed instructions.
You should follow up with your LASIK doctor before getting into restricted activities for a while, and do follow the below – mentioned recommendations.
- After LASIK surgery you should receive two to three hours of sleep.
- Use your recommended eye drops on a regular basis.
- You will be given prescription eye drops to help heal your eyes and keep them hydrated, as well as artificial tears to help prevent infection and irritation.
- Avoid letting dust, pollen, or other airborne debris get in your eyes.Use fake tears to clean out your eyes if anything were to accidentally get in them.You may clear anything from your eyes with this technique without touching them.
- After LASIK surgery, wait a few days before washing your hair.Avoid getting hit in the face with the water stream when taking a shower.Instead, turn in the other direction.
- Keep the safety eye shield in place on the first day.Even after laser vision correction, your eyes are still quite sensitive.
- Avoid rubbing your eyes, particularly with unclean hands.You run the danger of injuring your eye, moving your corneal flap, and contracting an infection.
- For two weeks, try to avoid getting water in your eyes.Only prescription eye drops and artificial tears should be used in your eyes.
- Limit your time spent staring at screens for the next three days.It would be perfect if you could fully avoid it.
- Avoid smoke – filled regions.Avoid exposing your eyes to dangerous pollutants.
- Never use tap water to rinse your eyes.Water from the tap is not pure.
- Don ‘t go swimming for three weeks. Swimming pools, hot tubs, and the ocean all have high concentrations of bacteria that you should stay away from at all costs.
- You won ‘t be able to exercise for a week after LASIK surgery, according to your surgeon.
- For one month following LASIK surgery, avoid wearing makeup on your eyes.
Recovery Time for LASIK Surgery
The healing process following LASIK eye surgery is short.After the LASIK surgery, you might be able to resume the majority of your regular activities within few days.If you had a photorefractive keratectomy(PRK), your eyes may take longer to recover.This is due to the need for the corneal cells to regenerate.The length of your recovery depends on your pre – op medication and how your body reacts to it.Although every person is different, your eyes should be recovering swiftly.Obviously, this depends on your daily schedule, but you should notice a change in your vision practically immediately.Make sure to actively listen to your ophthalmologist ‘s advice for a speedy recovery, and if you have any doubts, feel free to ask them.
You can get instructional advice from Aapkacare Health to assist you in getting ready for LASIK surgery.We will go over key elements of your LASIK surgery and what to anticipate before and after LASIK surgery during your class.Many of the staff members who will be looking after you will be available for you to meet, ask questions and clear your doubts.

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