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Laser Surgery for Fistula in Mumbai

A fistula is a condition where an unnatural connection develops between two separate body parts. In case of an anal fistula, anus, the muscular aperture at the end of the digestive tract and the skin gets connected by an infected tunnel. Patients can opt for laser surgery and go home on the same day. You can get in touch with the top proctologists in Mumbai with Aapkacare Health to prevent the condition from worsening.

About Fistula Surgery

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What is an Anal Fistula?

The abscess that develops close to and surrounding the anal mucosal tissues has a tendency to continue expanding and gets worse over time. It eventually punches out like a hole erupting from the skin and forms an infected tunnel between the skin and the anus. This is how anal fistula occurs.

Identify the Signs of Fistula

Formation of anal abscesses

Discomfort while passing stools

Pain & swelling of the area

Leakage of pus from the infected area

Chills, fever leading to fatigue

Understand the Causes of Fistula

A majority of anal fistulas occur due to an infection that starts in an anal gland. This infection forms an abscess that either drains on its own or is drained surgically through the skin next to the anus

The risk factors that cause fistula include:

Previously drained anal abscess

Trauma or constant pressure to the anal area

Crohn’s disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases

Infections of the anal area from STDs

Surgery or radiation for treatment of anal cancer

Different kinds of Fistula


There could be three different types of fistula development around the anus.

  • An anorectal fistula is the medical term for a fistula that develops between the anal canal and the skin around the anal entrance.
  • A rectovaginal or anovaginal fistula refers to a hole that forms between the rectum or anus and the vagina.
  • A fistula between the vagina and colon can develop occasionally.The term for this is colovaginal fistula.

An enteroenteric fistula occurs when a connection develops between two segments of the intestine.Sometimes a fistula can develop between the skin and the small intestine or the skin and the colon.The following are some signs of intestinal fistulas:

  • Either abdominal pain or discomfort between the genitals and the anus.
  • Urinary tract infections that recur.
  • Severe diarrhoea or gas.
  • Stomach, bladder, or intestinal gas.
  • Loss of weight.
Urinary tract

A fistula between the uterus and the bladder is also possible.The urethra and the vagina may occasionally form a hole, as well as urinary bladder and the vagina.The following are signs of urinary tract fistula:

  • Discomfort while urinating.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Hazy and odorous urine.

Our Experts Explain

Benefits of Laser Treatment

Types of Fistula Surgery

Laser fistula surgery
A laser is used to close the fistula, which is a minimal – pain procedure.A laser beam deteriorates the fistula ‘s abnormal lining, eliminating any infection there as well.This helps the region of the fistula to recover.Almost all anal fistula cases can be successfully treated with this fistula surgery.

Fistulotomy is the surgical procedure used most frequently to treat anal fistulas.This procedure opens the fistula and removes both the infected tissues and the entire tunnel lining(anal fistula), allowing it to heal internally.It recovers similarly to how a scar does.This treatment is relatively quick and very effective at treating fistulas.

Post-surgery Recovery Steps for Anal Fistula

Following an anal fistula surgery, the healing process is easy and devoid of significant problems.You won ‘t have any issues if you carefully adhere to the doctor ‘s advice. Here are some suggestions to make your healing and recovery from anal fistula surgery easier:

  • Eat a diet rich in fiber
  • Do not lift large objects
  • Make use of a stool softener to help you have easy bowel movements
  • Remain hydrated.Every day, you should consume 8 to 10 glasses of water
  • Passing a stool without strain is advised
Benefits of Laser Fistula Surgery

Laser fistula surgery has several advantages over conventional fistula treatments.Some of the benefits include lesser cuts, and hence minimal blood loss and pain, quicker recovery, fewer hospitalisations and much lower chances of recurrence.

Recovery Time for Anal Fistula Surgery

Everybody has a different healing capacity, so the recovery time following anal fistula surgery may vary.


  • Anal fistula open surgery recovery often lasts two to three months, while full laser fistula surgery recovery typically takes one to four weeks.
  • The patient must adhere to the fistula surgeon ‘s recuperation instructions for at least one month following anal fistula surgery.
  • The patient should avoid performing any actions that create stress on the fistula surgery site.
  • The patient should limit their intake of fatty and spicy foods and stick to foods high in fibre.
  • The patient should regularly take sitz baths and keep the surgical area free of infection.
  • After two months, the patient would notice significant pain reduction from the fistula operation site.
  • The scars, however, might not go away for some time.Without experiencing any significant difficulties, the patient may return to their work and eating routines.
  • The patient would be pain – free following fistula surgery in three months.
  • At the surgical location, there wouldn ‘t be any scars, and the incision would also be fully healed.

About our Doctors & Hospitals

Well-experienced and highly qualified doctors to provide an accurate diagnosis and answer
all your queries.
To consult our skilled surgeons for any problems or to undergo Fistula surgery, visit the nearest Fistula clinic in Mumbai with Aapkacare Health. You can also schedule an online appointment and speak with the doctor live on video. Make an appointment at Aapkacare Health to speak with the top Fistula surgeons in Mumbai. The Mumbai Aapkacare Health multi-speciality clinics for Fistula are sanitised, COVID-safe, and well-equipped. Book an appointment for the most advanced Fistula procedure in Mumbai.

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Are you worried about the cost of Fistula treatment?

Aapkacare Health finds you the most affordable prices for your fistula treatment in Mumbai. Even so, the exact cost is hard to pinpoint since your fistula surgery cost depends on various factors such as age, medical history, type of surgery, etc.Call us today to get a personalised cost breakdown.

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Frequently asked questions:
What safety measures are needed to take care of an anal fistula?

Avoid strenuous activity during the first week following your therapy. Take sitz baths, which means sitting in warm water for 15-20 minutes three times a day and after each bowel movement during the first few days. If you were given one, apply a topical ointment to the anal surface and a small amount to the anal canal 2-3 times each day.

What are the different types of anal fistula?
  • Intersphincteric fistula.
  • Transphincteric fistula.
  • Suprasphincteric fistula.
  • Extrasphincteric fistula.
What is the best way to deal with fistula?

The most effective treatment for fistula is laser fistula surgery. Its benefits include minimal pain & blood loss, quicker recovery, and lower chances of recurrence.

What are the fistula complications?

The most frequent cause of an anal fistula is an anal abscess, a painful, pus-filled, infected hollow. Anal abscesses continually leak and produce new ones. If left untreated for a prolonged period of time, fistula can result in major complications such as infection, and incontinence.

When should I see a doctor regarding the fistula?

If you are struggling with,

  • Discomfort while being seated or using the restroom.
  • Having discomfort during bowel movement, swelling in the anal area, pus coming out of anal region.
What is the long-term method of treatment for fistula?

Laser surgery is used to treat fistulas permanently. Benefits of laser fistula surgery include minimal pain & blood loss, quicker recovery, and lower chances of recurrence.

Which doctor should I see for a fistula?

The best doctor for you to see is either a general surgeon or a proctologist.

How do you know if you need surgery for a fistula?

Fistula causes chronic pain, made worse when passing stools. They may also lead to recurrent infections and abscess formation. In addition, if they are not treated on time, they could damage the sphincter muscles leading to incontinence.

What are the major symptoms of acute infection of fistula?

Abscesses that cause pain and swelling in the anal region, Pus that smells bad, coming from an orifice near the anus, Irritation of the anus’s surrounding skin caused by pus, Stools- pain while passing and covered in blood, Fever and chills are symptoms of infection.

What are the primary reasons for fistula?
Anal fistulas can develop for a variety of reasons, including: When an anal gland develops a pus-filled infection (abscess), Due to Crohn’s disease, In immunocompromised patients
Why does surgery have to be done for a fistula?

Surgery has to be done for fistula as it does not go away on its own. Depending on the severity of the condition, your doctor may recommend a fistulotomy (where the tract between the two organs is cut to separate them) or a fistulectomy (where the entire fistula is removed). Recently, laser surgery has been used to deal with fissures and fistulae. They speed up the recovery time, cause minimal blood loss and cause the least harm to the sphincter or surrounding organs.

What are the precautions taken after fistula surgery?

You can resume your daily activities one to two weeks after the fistula operation, but it is recommended that you do not lift anything heavy and avoid activities that could induce straining during that time. You may be advised stool softeners till the area around the anal sphincter heals so that it doesn’t hurt or bleed while passing stool.

Which tests are necessary for fistula treatment?

MRI and fistulogram are the tests necessary for the treatment of fistula.

Who is best equipped to treat a fistula?

Proctologists, often known as colorectal surgeons, are the best medical professionals to treat fistulas. He focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of issues with the colon, rectum, and anus.

Can I get permanent pain and discomfort relief with fistula surgery?

For most patients, effective fistula surgery has a minimal recurrence rate.

When may I resume my regular work life following fistula surgery?

One to two weeks after fistula surgery, the majority of patients can resume their daily routine and employment. Your fistula generally won’t heal entirely for a few weeks to a few months. This depends on the size of your fistula and the extent of your fistula operation.

Does Aapkacare Health have its own hospitals?

No, Aapkacare Health is only a platform provider. It does not own any hospital. Aapkacare Health works in partnership with other hospitals. It uses doctors and surgeons from the hospitals or independent qualified surgeons to perform the surgeries, leveraging the medical infrastructure of the partnered hospitals.