Proctology from Aapka Care
Proctology is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis, managing and treating problems related to anal, colon and rectum. It is also known as colorectal treatment. Aapka Care is a multispeciality clinic that aims to provide best proctology treatment in India. The highly experienced Proctologists at Aapka Care conduct minimally invasive laser treatment for problems that include hemorrhoids, anal fistula, fissure, chronic constipation and pilonidal sinus.

Piles & fissure


What is Piles treatment?
Piles or hemorrhoids, commonly known as Bawaseer (बवासीर) in Hindi is a very common anorectal condition. Piles are collections of veins and tissues located at the anal area that becomes swollen and inflamed. Piles may develop around the anal skin or inside the rectum. Piles is common in the case of both men and women. If global medical reports are to be believed, one out of every four adults suffers from piles or hemorrhoids at some or other point in their life. Piles is most common in people within the age group of 50-60 years but can affect people of other age groups too. No medical expert to date could ascertain the exact cause of hemorrhoids.
What Happens During Laser Piles Treatment?
  • Piles Diagnosis
    In the case of external piles, the doctor can diagnose them with a physical inspection. However, in case of internal haemorrhoids, the proctologist will perform a digital examination to insert a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to check for abnormal growth. Additionally, to correctly diagnose internal piles, the surgeon may choose a proctoscope, an anoscope, or a sigmoidoscope to examine the lower rectum.
  • Laser Surgical Treatment
    Laser-assisted surgery for piles is one of the most efficient treatment methods. During the procedure, a focused narrow beam of light is used on hemorrhoid to ablate or shrink it without affecting the surrounding tissues. It is an advanced, minimally invasive procedure that aids the patient’s faster recovery.
What is the Recovery Process of Piles Laser Operation?

The recovery from piles laser operation may differ for individuals. However, it takes about 30-45 days to recover completely.  

You must also keep in mind the following:

  • First, ensure that you keep the surgery site clean to avoid infection.
  • Take sitz bath regularly.
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights as that adds additional strain to the surgical site.
  • Eat meals that are nutritious and high in fiber content. Avoid oily and spicy foods.
  • To ensure you are hydrated, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. 
  • Do not strain yourself during your bowel movement.
  • If your bowel movements are hard, consider taking stool softeners to alleviate the strain (only after consulting the doctor).
  • Be diligent about taking medications and applying ointments/creams prescribed by your doctor.
Benefits of Laser Surgery Treatment For Piles
The following are the benefits of piles laser surgery treatment:
  • Minimal Bleeding & Pain: There is minimal blood loss during laser surgery and reduced pain post-surgery since the laser only targets a specific area.
  • Improved Precision: Laser surgery imparts precision by targeting smaller areas without damaging the surrounding tissues.
  • Day Care Surgery: Piles laser surgery is a day care surgery, i.e., you will be discharged the same day unless the doctor deems otherwise.
  • Shorter Recovery Time: Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, the recovery time is much lesser.
Anal fissure or fissure-in-ano is a common anorectal condition that affects the area around the anus called the mucosa. While an acute anal fissure could be treated using medicines and other precautions, a chronic fissure almost always requires surgical intervention. At Aapka Care, we provide specialized laser treatment for anal fissure to treat this condition safely and effectively. It is a USFDA-approved minimally invasive procedure that allows the patient to recover faster. In addition, Aapka Care proctologists have over 8-10 years of experience treating anorectal diseases and performing laser surgeries. As a result, our proctologists have high surgery success rates and have established significant trust among our patients.
Types of Anal Fissures and Their Treatment
  • Anal fissures can be caused by various reasons like chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, injuries, and underlying conditions like Crohn’s disease, anal cancer, STDs, etc.

    There are 2 main types of Anal Fissure:

    • Acute: In this type of anal fissure, the tear looks like a paper cut and is more surface-level and can be treated with topical ointments, medications, a high fiber diet, and home treatments like sitz bath.
    • Chronic: In chronic anal fissure, the fissure has a deeper tear accompanied by internal and external growths. If a fissure lasts more than 2 months, it is considered chronic. These types of fissures are better treated with surgery.
What Happens During an Anal Fissure Treatment?
  • Anal Fissure Diagnosis

    Aapka Care proctologists are highly experienced and may diagnose an anal fissure with a physical examination. However, the doctor may prescribe additional tests to diagnose the condition correctly and rule out complications. The standard diagnostic tests for anal fissures include Sigmoidoscopy, Anoscopy, and Colonoscopy.

    Anal Fissure Treatment

    If your anal fissure doesn’t heal with medication and other treatments, it could indicate a chronic condition. Laser-assisted surgery is one of the most effective treatments for chronic anal fissures. During this procedure, the patient is first administered general or local anesthesia. Then, once he is asleep, the surgeon uses the laser probe that emits laser radiation to heal the tears in the mucosa. This treatment is a daycare procedure, and the patient can go home the same day unless the doctor advises otherwise.

How to Prepare For Laser Anal Fissure Surgery?

While preparing for the surgery, it is essential to follow all instructions given by your doctor to ensure that your recovery process is on track. 

  • Let your doctor know in advance if you’re allergic to any medications.
  • Avoid heavy meals the night before the surgery.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking a week before the surgery.
  • Eat a light meal on the day of the surgery. Avoid heavy foods that are high in fats and carbs.
What is fissure treatment?
What is Fistula treatment?
Anal fistula or fistula-in-ano is an anorectal condition where an abnormal tunnel forms between the anal canal and the perianal skin. At Aapka Care, we provide minimally invasive, USFDA-approved laser surgery to help treat anal fistulas. Laser surgery reduces pain and discomfort during recovery, and the hospitalization period is shorter. As a result, the patient can recover faster and return to daily activities sooner. In addition, the advantage of advanced laser surgery is that it causes minimal scarring at the surgery site. Aapka Care proctologists are specialized surgeons with over 8-10 years of experience diagnosing diseases like anal fistula and have high success rates for laser anal fistula surgery.
How to Prepare For Laser Anal Fistula Surgery?
  • You may need to take a few precautions before your laser surgery as it helps your surgery go over smoothly and aids in post-surgery recovery. 

    • Inform your doctor in advance if you have any allergies (to specific medications and otherwise) and if you take medications for pre-existing conditions.
    • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol in the days leading up to the surgery. 
    • Eat a light meal on the day of the surgery. Avoid heavy foods that are high in fats and carbs.
What is the Types of Anal Fistula Treatment?

There are 4 different types of anal fistulas. 

  • Inter-sphincteric: the fistula tract is between the internal and external sphincter muscles, and the opening of the fistula is very close to the anal opening.
  • Trans-sphincteric: the fistula tract goes through the internal and external anal sphincters and opens an inch away from the anal opening.
  • Supra-sphincteric: the fistula tract begins in the space between the sphincters, turns upwards toward the puborectal muscle, crosses it, and then extends downwards and opens 1-2 inches outside the anus.
  • Extra-sphincteric: this fistula tract begins at the rectum and extends downwards to the perianal skin. Diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease commonly causes these types of fistulas.

For all types of anal fistulas, surgical intervention is the best treatment option to lower the risk of recurrence

What Happens if Anal Fistula is not Treated on Time?

If you’re dealing with an anal fistula, it is advised that you must visit a proctologist and seek treatment as soon as possible. While home remedies may help manage symptoms, surgery is the only way to heal an anal fistula. In addition, an untreated fistula can give rise to complications for a patient.

  • May turn cancerous: Research has shown that an untreated anal fistula is more likely to develop cancer in the tract.
  • Extension of fistula: An unhealed fistula tract will extend and cause increased damage to more anal and rectal areas. 
  • Fistula drainage: Untreated fistulas present with foul-smelling pus discharge.
  • Incontinence: A chronic or untreated fistula may lead to fecal incontinence due to damaged sphincter muscles.
  • Sepsis: Untreated fistulas may cause sepsis, a body’s extreme response to prolonged infection.
Frequently asked questions:
Q. What are the symptoms of haemorrhoids?
You may feel pain and itchiness in your rectum, especially during your bowel movement. You may also encounter blood in your stool. As soon as these symptoms show up, you should consult a doctor immediately, because if not treated on time, the matter can get worse. If you do not see any lump or blood while bowel movement then it is of a mild category and it may heal on its own.
Q. How can I treat anal fissures at home?

You can treat anal fissures to some extent with the help of the following:

  • Taking regular sitz bath to help relax the anal muscle and help irritation
  • Over-the-counter stool softeners
  • Drinking adequate amounts of water and improving digestion
  • Eating more fiber in your diet and taking fiber supplements.
Q. Can fistula be healed with medicines?
A. No. You can only manage symptoms of anal fistula with medicines. Surgical intervention is the only way to heal the fistula itself completely.