Vascular from Aapka Care
Vascular surgery is the surgical specialty in which the medical conditions related to the vascular system are managed through medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures, and surgical reconstructions, if necessary. The vascular system involves arteries, veins, and lymphatic circulation. Vascular surgery encompasses the surgeries related to the aorta, carotid arteries, and even the lower extremities.

Vericocele microscopic & glue

Vericose veins

What is Varicocele microscopic & glue treatment?

A varicocelectomy is the most common procedure performed to correct issues with varicoceles. With microscopic varicocele surgery, a high-powered surgical microscope is used to perform the operation. This type of surgery allows for a better view of the affected area. Microscopic surgical techniques have also been linked to fewer complications and lower risks for patients. Such procedures are often done with local anesthesia.
What Are Inguinal and Subinguinal Surgical Approaches?
Microscopic varicocele surgery can be done with an inguinal or subinguinal approach, referring to the location where the incision is made. An inguinal approach is typically used if the purpose for the procedure is to ease pain caused by varicoceles. Doing so allows for direct access to the ilioinguinal nerve, which can be cut to relieve pain caused by enlarged veins. With a subinguinal approach, the incision is made just above the top of the penis. It’s sometimes necessary to make two incisions in the same area, which is where the spermatic cord leaves the abdominal wall.
What Happens During Surgery?
Both surgical approaches involve a cut that’s made to access the spermatic cord to reach the abnormal veins. The problem veins are then cut and tied to take accumulated blood away from the testicles. During microscopic surgery, the special microscope is above the patient. The surgeon or urologist is then able to view all veins that need to be severed. Other structures, including the vas deferens and arteries, can also be viewed and avoided. Lymphatic drainage also remains intact. Unintentional damage to the vas deferens or arteries can affect sperm flow and cause issues with the testicles. Lymphatic damage can cause the scrotum to fill with fluid. With microscopic varicocele surgery, these risks are significantly reduced.
What Happens After Surgery?
Microscopic varicocele surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. Most patients recover fairly quickly and experience little discomfort while healing. There may be some minor swelling and bruises in the scrotum, although it’s usually minor and manageable with medication. Most men resume normal activities within a few weeks. Men with sedentary occupations can usually get back to work in a day or so. The procedure normally takes about an hour to perform.

During the varicose veins treatment, a vascular surgeon removes the damaged veins. This treatment also acts as a prevention of future complications such as ulcers, blood clotting, etc. that commonly occur if varicose veins do not get treated on time. There are different types of techniques such as vein ligation, vein stripping, trans illuminated powered phlebectomy, and laser ablation through which varicose veins can be treated and advised by the surgeon after assessing the severity of the condition.

What happens in varicose veins treatment?
  • Diagnosis before varicose veins surgery

    vascular surgeon diagnoses your condition by carrying out a physical examination to check for swelling in your legs while standing and asks you to describe the discomfort or pain you are experiencing. The doctor might recommend a few diagnostic tests to detect the severity of the varicose veins. Some of the diagnostic tests are- 

    • Doppler test: This test uses ultrasound to determine the blood flow in the veins located in the arms, legs, and large arteries. This is a simple, non-invasive test, and generally, it is well-tolerated by patients. A water-soluble gel is placed on a handheld device known as a transducer. Once passed over the skin above the blood vessels, it directs sound-waves to the artery or veins.
    • Ultrasound scan: This scan helps in carrying out a detailed examination of the deep veins, particularly if the patient has a history of deep vein thrombosis. Venous ultrasound helps identify damaged valves and abnormal blood in the body.

    Procedure of varicose veins surgery

    • Based on your doctor’s recommendation and depending upon your condition, you will be put under the influence of either general anesthesia or spinal/local anesthesia.
    • If you receive general anesthesia, you will be asleep during the surgical procedure, while, in the case of spinal anesthesia, the lower part of your body will be numb and you will stay awake during the procedure.
    • If you are put under the influence of a spinal anesthetic, the doctor might give you anti-anxiety medicines in order to make sure that you don’t feel anxious or nervous during the surgical process.
    • During the surgery, the doctor will make several cuts or incisions around the top and bottom of the damaged vein. One of the incisions will be near your groin and the other will be in your lower leg, either in your calf or ankle.
    • The surgeon will then insert a flexible, thin plastic wire into the vein through the incision made around the groin, and then the wire will be tied to the damaged vein and pulled out through the incision in the lower leg.
    • Once the damaged vein is removed, the doctor will close the cuts or incisions with stitches and place bandages and compression stockings around the surgical area. 
How to prepare for varicose veins treatment?

Before the surgery, the doctor will carry out a physical examination in order to determine the location of the non-working valves.

    • You might be required to go through certain tests like an ultrasound test and a duplex/doppler test so that the surgeon can determine the amount of blood flow and have a detailed assessment of the varicose veins.
    • Before the procedure, it is important to discuss any prescription or over-the-counter medications that you are taking as it would eliminate the risks and possibilities of any complications.
    • If there is a possibility of having an allergic reaction to the anesthesia, you should inform your doctor before going for the surgery.
    • Like any other surgical procedure, you will be required to refrain from consuming any food or liquids as your body might react to the anesthesia, which can lead to choking out stomach contents during the surgery. 
    • It is advisable to avoid taking certain medications like aspirin, blood thinners and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to rule out any complications.
    • You should take a shower before the surgery as the doctor would ask you to keep the surgical area dry in order to eliminate the risk of any infections after the surgery.
Why is varicose veins treatment necessary?

The treatment for varicose veins is necessary because if it is left untreated, the condition can lead to several complications such as:

  • Increased pain and swelling
  • Skin ulcers
  • Spontaneous bleeding
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis (ST)
  • Lipodermatosclerosis
  • Blood clots
  • Deep vein thrombosis
What is Vericose veins treatment?
Frequently asked questions:
Q. Do the home treatments for varicose veins actually work?
A. Home treatments, such as exercise, compression stockings, diet changes, etc., can manage the symptoms caused by varicose veins. However, these remedies will neither eliminate the existing veins nor prevent the new ones from forming.
Q. Can varicose veins recur after undergoing treatment?

A. The chances of recurrence become really low if Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins is performed by a vascular surgeon who has expertise in performing the advanced treatment.

Q. Will varicose veins go away if I lose weight?
A. Many people think that as obesity is a risk factor that leads to the development of varicose veins, losing weight can be helpful. However, no certainty losing weight will repair the weak and malfunctioning vein valves. In addition, there may be other underlying causes for varicose veins that may not be related to weight gain.